Industry X.0

Intelligent Industry creates new possibilities in factories and operations, as well as reinventing supply chains at every level.

The way factories are designed and work will change. Digital twins mean products can be experimented with and refined virtually before being made. Machine learning will anticipate fluctuations in demand, optimizing how the production process flows.

InfyStrat’s end-to-end framework and cross-functional breadth of research and resources allows you to operationalize digital innovation across your business at every stage of product and service development. Using new technologies like IIoT, analytics, AI, robotics, 3D printing and digital twin, you’ll unlock new revenue and work with customers, employees and partners on a whole new level.
Through Industry X.0, we can help you not only adapt to change but also embrace it as a way to win in the New.

We focus on the major constituents of Industry 4.0—digital, automation, connected and real-time data and analytics—to create Smart Manufacturing environments. Our team of domain and technology experts leverage existing investments to cost-effectively orchestrate OT and IT as a seamless whole that drives organizations into the future of manufacturing.

And smart, connected operations will mean supply chains can respond instantly to delivery disruptions and changes, assets tracked and shipment condition monitored in real-time. Everything will get closer to the customer – inventory levels can be predicted and automatically topped up, delivery schedules updated, and a happy flow maintained.

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