Incubating Emerging Offerings

The incubation center of InfyStrat focuses on incubation of NextGen services and offerings by identifying and building technology capabilities to accelerate innovation. The current areas of incubation include AI & ML, Blockchain, Computer Vision, Conversational interfaces, AR-VR, Deep Learning, Advanced analytics using video, speech, text and much more.

InfyStrat’s Innovation approach is designed to solve real, specific problems and address tangible opportunities to create value for our client’s businesses. We innovate with a laser sharp focus on relevant solutions to help our clients deliver at hyper-speed and global scale. Our innovation process cuts across functional boundaries and includes stakeholders across business and technology.

InfyStrat’s incubation programs have created a rich culture with a growing inventory which are deployed into client solutions. We incubate and translate interesting ideas to scalable and commercialized products, solutions and capabilities through our unique platforms, is at work on automating complex business and IT processes in multiple industries. We have invested deeply to support our clients innovation needs in many game changing ways. InfyStrat Ventures and works with start-ups in bleeding edge technology areas to bring cutting edge solutions to our clients. Our Innovation Centers and Digital Pods across the globe are unique spaces for co-innovation & co-creation which brings together ideas, technologies and agile teams. We crowdsource the power of over a million minds.

InfyStrat’s Innovation approach lets us reach well beyond the potential of our own intellectual property. We invest in and collaborate with technology start-ups, academia, expert networks and innovation accelerators to bring the best ideas to work on your opportunities. Our research programs with Universities and strategic investments in start-ups are great examples of realizing our Open Innovation approach for our clients in the disruptive world.

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